Trail Maintenance

The Tobacco Heritage Trail is a non-profit organization which depends on grant money for land acquisition and construction. Volunteers, therefore, play an important role in the functioning of the THT.
The greatest volunteer need is for trail maintenance. The primary duties and obligations are as follows:
- Prior to undertaking any activities, the Maintenance Volunteer must complete and sign a Maintenance Agreement that specifies work to be completed, location and times of activities. Typical activities include light maintenance work, such as litter pickup, mowing, brush control, cutting, trimming, planting, maintaining vegetation, leveling of the trail area and minor repairs of signs, trail markers, kiosks and other trail facilities.
- Each participant must read and sign a Volunteer Liability Waiver and Safety Checklist.
- The Maintenance Volunteer is responsible for providing a first aid kit, mobile phone, and adequate drinking water during trail activities.
- Hand tools and other required materials will be provided by the Maintenance Volunteer.
- The Maintenance Agreement may be cancelled at any time by the Maintenance Volunteer or Roanoke River Rails-to-Trails, Inc., with 30 days written notice to the other party. The agreement is renewable as long as the Maintenance Volunteer has functioned in accordance with the previous agreement.
Maintenance volunteers will be responsible for tracking hours, maintaining a volunteer log, filing volunteer waiver forms, and reporting the accomplishments of each volunteer activity. The following resources are provided for volunteers convenience and reference.
If maintenance is not your cup of tea, perhaps you would like to help raise funds? The Tobacco Heritage Trail is in need of funds to support the project and to finance community events.
Fund raising can be accomplished in many ways; events, soliciting donors, and selling trail merchandise. You are only limited by your imagination!
Tax deductible donations can be made to:
Tobacco Heritage Trail
c/o Roanoke River Rails to Trails
200 S. Mecklenburg Ave.
South Hill, VA 23970
Trail Events
Another way volunteers can get involved is by helping with trail events. We have had trail races, geocaching events and in South Boston, an Easter Egg Hunt. There are many events we hope to have on the trail, but we need volunteers to help plan, organize and implement these fun ideas for the community and visitors. Should you have any ideas, be sure to contact us at (434) 447-7101 ext. 202. Stay tuned for fun community events in which to be involved!